Membership Benefits

Membership in the Ohio CCIM Chapter offers the following:

Category Description Benefit

Educational Programs

Last year, the Ohio CCIM Chapter held 15 programs around the state, more than one a month.   Most included real estate CE credit.

Potential savings of over $250, including several events that are free to chapter members.

Social Events

Last year, the Ohio CCIM Chapter hosted 7 events that included a social component.

Potential savings of over $125.

Candidate Guidance

Candidates are provided coaching and assistance when completing portfolio and education requirements.

Chapter members are given preference for chapter recommendations.


The Ohio CCIM chapter has two scholarships available, the John J. Franks, Jr CCIM scholarship and the Shad J. Phipps CCIM scholarship.

Candidates who are chapter members are eligible to apply for chapter scholarships, each of which are worth $1,000.

* Membership in a local CCIM Chapter does not in any way provide any additional rights or opportunities to use the CCIM logo, trademark or benefits.