Commercial Real Estate Negotiations

When:  Sep 9, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  CCIM Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Learn and apply the CCIM Interest-based Negotiations Model to your most challenging transactions. Learn new, proven strategies to client acceptance that will get you out of the "high/low game" and other tactics that can derail a successful transaction.

Interest-based negotiation is a three-step process that brings discipline to your negotiation strategies. It involves identifying:

  • What parties are involved in the negotiation, and what are they seeking?
  • What can we do to get the other parties what they need, so that we can get what we want?
  • What happens if there is no agreement?

Course Objectives

Through an interactive case study format and role play, you will learn to:

  1. Satisfy the interests of parties involved in the negotiation (without sacrificing yours)
  2. Develop strategies for identifying and addressing challenges in a principled, transparent manner
  3. Maintain a collaborative approach to negotiations
  4. Effectively communicate the consequences of not reaching an agreement

This workshop satisfies the Institute's 8-hour negotiation education requirement in earning the CCIM designation


Northern Virginia Association of REALTORS
8407 Pennell St
Fairfax, VA 22031


Harry Young